Three-dimensional simulations of the MHD wave propagation in an open magnetic flux tube
The thin multicolour curves represent the magnetic field lines. The lower and upper colour bars correspond to the vertical velocity Vz at the level of the driver location and to the strength value of the magnetic field along the magnetic field lines, respectively.
The white iso-contours of the magnetic field, labelled by appropriate value of the strength of the magnetic field, are shown in the top horizontal slice taken at height h = 1.4 Mm. At the bottom of the numerical domain the horizontal cross-cut at the location of the swirl driver is shown.
Period = 30s, amplitude = 500m/s, radius of tube = 100km, B = 1000 G

Full domain (5.32MB)

Zoom, thick lines (8.16MB)

Zoom (7.7MB)

Zoom, 1 trajectory (6.74MB)
Period = 120s, amplitude = 200m/s, radius of tube = 100km, B = 1000 G

Full domain (11MB)

Full domain, thick lines (5.5MB)

Magnetic field slice, cartesian-cylindric (13.4MB)

Velocity-magnetic slice, cartesian-cartesian (24MB)

Zoom, 1 trajectory (16MB)

Zoom, 1 trajectory, projection (2.4MB)

Zoom, 3 trajectories (18.6MB)

Zoom, 3 trajectories, projection (3.6MB)
Period = 120s, amplitude = 200m/s, radius of tube = 100km, B = 1000 G
Visualisation with Vapor.

Bx (59MB)

Bx full (57MB)

Vx (44MB)

4 trajectories (27.7MB)

xy cut at 0.9 Mm of Vz (14.8MB)

View from top (92.03MB)

4 trajectories, projection (6.4MB)
Realistic solar atmosphere (line profiles constructed from the model are identical to the line profiles obtained from observational data)
Multidriver, period = 120, 180, 240, 300, 350s, amplitude = 200m/s, radius of tube = 100km, B = 1000 G

Zoom, 3 trajectories (14.6MB)

Zoom, 3 trajectories (31.4MB)

Gamma (26MB)