
Refereed journals


Skirvin, S., Fedun, V., Goossens, M., Silva, S.S.A., Verth, G., 

Poynting flux of MHD modes in magnetic solar vortex tubes

ApJ, 2024 (Accepted)


Schiavo, L.  A. C. A., Gordovskyy, M., Browning, P., Silva, S. S. A., Verth, G., Ballai, I., Shelyag, S., 

Ruzheinikov, S.,  McLaughlin, J., Fedun, V.,  

Modeling the effects of a lightbridge on properties of MHD waves in solar pores

ApJ, 2024 (Accepted)


Silva, S. S. A., Verth, G., Ballai, I., Rempel, E., Shelyag, S., Schiavo, L.  A. C. A., Gomes. T. F. P., Fedun, V.,  

Solar Vortex Tubes III: Vorticity and Energy Transport

ApJ, 2024 (Accepted)

Ballai, I., Asiri, F., Fedun, V., Verth, G., Forgacs-Dajka, E., Albidah, B. A.,  

Slow Body MHD Waves in Inhomogeneous Photospheric Waveguides

Universe, 10(8), 334, 2024


Berretti, M., Stangalini, M., Verth, G., Jafarzadeh, S., Jess, D., Berrilli, F., Grant,  S. D. T., Duckenfield, T. and Fedun, V.

Unexpected frequency of horizontal oscillations of magnetic structures in the solar photosphere

Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters, 687, L21, 2024


Cho, Y-H., Heung, G., Bobrov, Y., Middleton, J., Brownlow, J., Verth, G., and  Fedun, V., 

SunbYte: an autonomous pointing framework for low-cost robotic solar telescopes on high-altitude balloons

Experimental Astronomy, 57, 27, 2024


Jafarzadeh, S., Schiavo, L.A.C., Fedun, V., Solanki, S.K., Stangalini, M., Calchetti, D., Verth, G., Jess, D.B., Grant, S.D.T., Ballai, I., Gafeira, R., Keys, P.H., Fleck, B.,      Morton, R.J., Browning, P.K., Silva, S.A., Appourchaux, T., Gandorfer, A., Gizon, L., Hirzberger, J., Kahil, F., Orozco Suarez, D., Schou, J., Strecker, H., del Toro               Iniesta, J.C.,  Valori,  G., Volkmer, R., Woch, J.

Sausage, kink, and fluting MHD wave modes identified in solar magnetic pores by Solar Orbiter/PHI

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 688, A2, 2024

arxiv  | PDF | HTML

Asiri, F., Ballai, I., Fedun, V., Verth, G., Ruzheinikov, S., Albidah, A. B.

Slow body magnetohydrodynamic waves in solar photospheric flux tubes with density inhomogeneity

MNRAS, 529, 748–760, 2024


Silva, S. S. A., Verth, G., Rempel, E., Ballai, I., Jafarzadeh, S., Fedun, V.,

Magnetohydrodynamic Poynting Flux Vortices in the Solar Atmosphere and Their Role in Concentrating Energy

ApJ, 963, 10, 2024



Cheremnykh, O., Fedun, V., Lashkin, V.,

Self-consistent equilibrium of a helical magnetic flux rope in a finite-pressure plasma

Phys. Plasmas 30, 124501, 2023


McMurdo, M., Ballai, I., Verth, G., Alharbi, A., Fedun, V.,

Phase mixing of propagating Alfven waves in a single-fluid partially ionized solar plasma

ApJ, 958, 81, 2023

HTML | PDF | arxiv

Rempel, E., Chian, A. C.-L., Silva, S. S. A., Fedun, V., Verth, G., Miranda, R., Gosic, M., 

Lagrangian coherent structures in space plasmas,  

Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 7, 32, 2023,

Cheremnykh, O., Fedorenko, A., Voitsekhovska, A., Selivanov, Yu., Ballai, I., Verth, G., Fedun, V.,

Atmospheric wave disturbances from the solar terminator according to the VLF radio stations data

Advances in Space Research, 2023 (accepted)

HTML | PDF | arxiv

Yuyang, Yu., Silva, SSA., Fedun, V.,  Kitiashvili, I., Verth, G.,

Advanced Γ Method for Small-scale Vortex Detection in the Solar Atmosphere

ApJS, 267, 2, id.35, 18, 2023

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Albidah, A. B., Fedun, V.,  Aldhafeeri, A. A., Ballai, I., Jess, D. B., Brevis, W., Higham, J., Stangalini, M., Silva, SSA., 

MacBride, C. D., and Verth G., 

The temporal and spatial evolution of MHD wave modes in sunspots 

ApJ, 954, 30, 2023

HTML | PDF | arxiv

Silva, S. S. A., Lennard, M., Verth, G., Ballai, I., Rempel, E., Warnecke, J., Iijima, H., Hotta, H., Park, S-H., Donea, A., Kusano, K., Fedun, V.

Novel approach to forecasting photospheric emergence of active regions

             ApJL, 948, L24, 2023

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    Krasnoselskikh, V., Tsurutani, B., Dudok de Wit, T., Walker, S., Balikhin, M., Balat-Pichelin, M., Velli, M., Bale, S. D.,

Maksimovic, M., Agapitov, O., Baumjohann, W., Berthomier, M., Bruno, R., Cranmer, S. R., de Pontieu, B.,  de Sousa

Meneses, D., Eastwood, J., Erdelyi, R., Ergun, R., Fedun, V., Ganushkina, N., Greco, A., Harra, L., Henri, P., Horbury, T.,

Hudson, H., Kasper, J., Khotyaintsev, Yu., Kretzschmar, M., Krucker, S., Kucharek, H., Langevin, Y., Lavraud, B., Lebreton,

J-P., Lepri, S.,  Liemohn, M., Louarn, P., Moebius, E., Mozer, F., Nemecek, Z., Panasenco, O., Retino, A., Safrankova, J.,

Scudder, J., Servidio, S., Sorriso-Valvo, L.,  Souček, J., Szabo, A., Vaivads, A., Vekstein, G., Vörös, Z., Zaqarashvili, T.,

Zimbardo, G., Fedorov, A.,  

ICARUS: in-situ studies of the solar corona beyond Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter, 

Experimental Astronomy, 2023


Skirvin, S., Gary Verth, Gonzalez-Aviles, J.,  Shelyag, S., Sharma, R.,

Guzman, F., Ballai, I., Scullion, E., Silva, S., Fedun, V.

Small-scale solar jet formation and their associated waves and instabilities

Advances in Space Research, 71, 4, 1866-1892, 2023

arxiv | HTML 

Tziotziou, K., Scullion, E., Shelyag, S., Steiner, O., Khomenko, E., Tsiropoula, G., Canivete Cuissa, J. R., Wedemeyer, S., 

Kontogiannis, I., 

Yadav, N., Kitiashvili, I., Skirvin, S., Dakanalis, I., Kosovichev, A., Fedun, V., Vortex Motions in the Solar Atmosphere

Definitions, Theory, Observations, and Modelling, Space Science Reviews, 219, 1, 2023


Skirvin, S., Fedun, V., Silva, S.,Van Doorsselaere, T., Claes, N., Goossens, M., Verth, G.

The effect of linear background rotational flows on magnetoacoustic modes of a photospheric magnetic flux tube,

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 4, 6355-6366, 2023

arxiv | HTML | supplementary videos 


Scullion, E., Morgan, H., Lin, H., Fedun, V., Morton, R., SULIS: A coronal magnetism explorer for ESA's Voyage 2050

Experimental Astronomy, 2022


Grant, S. D. T., Jess, D. B., Stangalini, M., Jafarzadeh, S., Fedun, V., Verth, G.,Keys, P. H., Rajaguru, S. P., Uitenbroek, H., 

Macbride, C. D., Bate, W. Gilchrist-Millar, C. A.

The Propagation of Coherent Waves Across Multiple Solar Magnetic Pores,

The Astrophysical Journal, 238, 2, 2022

arxiv | PDF 

Aldhafeeri, A., Verth, G., Fedun, V., Lennard, M., Ballai, I.,

Comparison of exact and approximate MHD slow body mode solutions in photospheric waveguides,

The Astrophysical Journal, 938, 32, 2022

arxiv | HTML 

Aljohani, Y., Fedun, V., Ballai, I., Silva, S., Shelyag, S. and Verth, G., 

New Approach for Analyzing Dynamical Processes on the Surface of Photospheric Vortex Tubes,

The Astrophysical Journal, 928, 3, 2022


Silva, S.A., Fedun, V., Ballai, I., Jess, D.B., Murabito, M., Stangalini, M., and Verth G., 

The importance of horizontal Poynting flux in the photosphere

The Astrophysical Journal, 927, 146, 2022


Alharbi, A., Ballai, I., Fedun, V. and Verth, G.,

Waves in weakly ionised solar plasmas

MNRAS, 2022


Albidah, A. B., Fedun, V., Aldhafeeri, A. A., Ballai, I., Brevis, W., Jess, D. B., Higham, J., Stangalini, M. Silva, S. S. A., Verth, G.

Magnetohydrodynamic wave mode identification in circular and elliptical sunspot umbrae: evidence for high order modes

The Astrophysical Journal., 927, 201, 2022

arxiv | PDF | HTML 

Lozbin, A., Fedun, V., and Kryakunova, O.,

Complex analysis of the ionosphere variations during the geomagnetic storm at 20 January 2010 performed by Detection of 

Ionosphere Anomalies (DIA) software and DEMETER satellite data

Ann. Geophys., 40, 55–65, 2022


Stangalini, M., Verth, G., Fedun, V.,  Aldhafeeri, A. A., Jess, D.B., Jafarzadeh, S., Keys, P. H., Fleck, B., Terradas, J., Murabito, M., 

Ermolli, I., Soler, R., Giorgi, F., and MacBride, C.D. 

Large scale coherent magnetohydrodynamic oscillations in a sunspot

Nature Communications volume, 13, Article number: 479 (2022)

HTML | Listening to the Symphony of Sunspots, Video | Sound 1 | Sound 2 | UoS Press Release

Skirvin, S., Fedun, V., Silva, S. and Verth, G.

II. The effect of axisymmetric and spatially varying equilibria and flow on MHD wave modes: Cylindrical geometry,

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510 (2), 2689-2706, 2022

arxiv | HTML | HTML 


Onishchenko, O., Fedun, V., Ballai, I., Kryshtal, A. and Verth, G.

Generation of localised vertical streams in unstable stratified atmosphere,

MDPI Fluids, 6(12), 454, 2021


Ouzounov, D., Pulinets, S., Davidenko, D., Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Fedun, V., Dwivedi, B. N., Rybin, A., Kafatos, M.

Transient effects in atmosphere and ionosphere preceding the 2015 M7.8 and M7.3 Gorkha–Nepal earthquakes

Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, Ar. 757358, November 2021


Skirvin, S., Fedun, V. and Verth, G.

I. The effect of symmetric and spatially varying equilibria and flow on MHD wave modes: Slab geometry

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504, 3, 4077–4092, 2021


Silva, S., Verth, G., Rempel, E., Shelyag, S., Luiz A. C. A. Schiavo and Fedun, V.

Solar Vortex Tubes II: On the origin of magnetic vortices

The Astrophysical Journal, (accepted) 2021

PDF (draft)

Aldhafeeri, A., Verth, G., Brevis, W., Jess, D., McMurdo, M. and Fedun, V.

MHD wave modes of solar magnetic flux tubes with elliptical cross-section

The Astrophysical Journal, 912, 50, 2021


Stangalini, M., Jess, D.B., Verth, G., Fedun, V., Fleck, B., Jafarzadeh, S., Keys, P.H., Murabito, M., Calchetti, D., Aldhafeeri, A., Berrilli, F., Del Moro, D., Jefferies, S.M., Terradas, J., Soler, R.

A novel approach to identify resonant MHD wave modes in solarpores and sunspot umbrae: B−ω analysis

Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters, 649, A169, 2021

arxiv | A&A HTML

Onishchenko, O., Fedun, V., Horton, W., Pokhotelov, O., Astafieva, N., Skirvin, S. and Verth, G.

The stationary concentrated vortex model

Climate MDPI, 9(3), 39, 2021


Rast, M., González, N., Rubio, L., Cao, W., Cauzzi, G., DeLuca, E., De Pontieu, B., Fletcher, L., Gibson, S., Judge, P., Katsukawa, Yu., Kazachenko, M., Khomenko, E., Landi, E., Pillet, V., Petrie, G., Qiu, J., Rachmeler, L., Rempel, M., Schmidt, W., Scullion, E., Sun, X., Welsch, B., Andretta, V., Antolin, P., Ayres, T., Balasubramaniam, K. S., Ballai, I., Berger, T., Bradshaw, S., Carlsson, M., Casini, R., Centeno, R., Cranmer, S., DeForest, C., Deng, Yu., Erdélyi, R., Fedun, V., Fischer, C., González Manrique, S., Hahn, M., Harra, L., Henriques, V., Hurlburt, N., Jaeggli, S., Jafarzadeh, S., Jain, R., Jefferies, S., Keys, P., Kowalski, A., Kuckein, C., Kuhn, J., Liu, J., Liu, W., Longcope, D., McAteer, R.T.J., McIntosh, S., McKenzie, D., Miralles, M. P., Morton, R., Muglach, K., Nelson, C., Panesar, N., Parenti, S., Parnell, C., Poduval, B., Reardon, K., Reep, J., Schad, T., Schmit, D., Sharma, R., Socas-Navarro, H., Srivastava, A., Sterling, A., Suematsu, Y., Tarr, L., Tiwari, S., Tritschler, A., Verth, G., Vourlidas, A., Wang, H., Wang, Y-M., NSO, DKIST project, DKIST instrument scientists, the DKIST Science Working Group, the DKIST Critical Science Plan Community

Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST)

Solar Physics, 296, 70, 2021

PDF | PDF SolPhys | HTML | arxiv

Alharbi, A., Ballai, I., Fedun, V., Verth, G.

Slow magnetoacoustic waves in gravitationally stratified two-fluid plasmas in strongly ionised limit Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501, 2, 2021

PDF | MNRAS PDF | arxiv | HTML


Kryshtal, A., Voitsekhovska, A., Cheremnykh, O., Ballai, I., Verth, G., Fedun, V.

Generation of low-frequency kinetic waves at the footpoints of pre-flare coronal loops

Solar Physics, 295, 162 2020

PDF | arxiv | HTML

Albidah, A. B., Brevis, W., Fedun, V., Ballai, I., Jess, D. B., Stangalini, M., Higham, J. and Verth, G.

Proper Orthogonal and Dynamic Mode Decomposition of Sunspot Data

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2020

PDF | arxiv | Solar Physics e-Print Archive | HTML Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A | PDF Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A

Solovieva, M., Rozhnoi, A., Shalimov S., Shevchenko, G., Biagi P.F. and Fedun, V.

The lower ionosphere disturbances observed during the chain of the meteotsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea in June 2014

Natural Hazards, 2020

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Tsap, Yu., Fedun, V., Cheremnykh, O. K., Stepanov, A., Kryshtal, A. and Kopylova, Yu.

On stabilisation of twisted magnetic fux tube by shielding surface current

The Astrophysical Journal, October, 901, 99, 2020

PDF accepted | PDF | PDF ApJ | HTML ApJ

Silva, S., Fedun, V., Verth, G., Rempel, E. and Shelyag, S.,

Solar Vortex Tubes: Vortex Dynamics in the Solar Atmosphere

The Astrophysical Journal, 898, 2, 2020

PDF (draft) | arxiv | HTML ApJ | PDF ApJ

González-Avilés, J. J., Guzmán, F. S., Fedun, V. Verth, G.

Spicule jets in the solar atmosphere modeled with resistive MHD and thermal conduction

The Astrophysical Journal, 897, 2, 2020

PDF | arxiv | HTML ApJ | PDF ApJ

Onishchenko, O., Pokhotelov, O., Astaf'eva, N., Horton, W., Fedun, V.

Structure and dynamics of concentrated mesoscale vortices in the atmospheres of planets

UFN, 2020, DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2019.07.038611

HTML | PDF (in Russian) | PDF, abstract (in English) | PDF, (English) | HTML

Rapoport, Yu., Grimalsky, V., Fedun, V., Agapitov, O.,Bonnell, J., Grytsai, A., Milinevsky, G., Liashchuk, A., Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Gulin, A.

Model of Propagation of VLF Beams in the Waveguide Earth-Ionosphere. Principles of Tensor Impedance Method in Multilayered Gyrotropic Waveguides

Annales Geophysicae, 38, 207–230, 2020

HTML | pdf (AnnGeo web page) | pdf

Skirvin, S. J., Verth, G., González-Avilés, J. J., Sharma, R., Guzmán, F. S., Scullion, E. and Fedun, V.

Solar jet formation and their associated waves and instabilities

AGU Books, Accepted, 2020


Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Shalimov S., Ouzounov, D., Gallagher, P., Verth, G., McCauley, J., Shelyag, S. and Fedun, V.

The effect of the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse on the phase of VLF/LF signals

Earth and Space Science, 2019

HTML | pdf (ESS web page) | pdf

Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Fedun, V., Gallagher, P., McCauley, J., Boudjada, M. Y., Shelyag, S. and Eichelberger, H. U.

Strong influence of solar X-ray flares on low-frequency electromagnetic signals in middle latitudes

Annales Geophysicae, 37, 843-850, 2019

HTML | pdf (AnnGeo web page) | pdf

Seniuc, I-V., Kalra, A., Lim, J. H., Schiona, A., Narayanankutty, G., Birakasan, V., Rontogiannis, G., Ioannou, K., Verth, G., Fedun, V., Simpson, C.

Sheffield students win US rocket competition

Astronomy & Geophysics, 60, 2019

HTML | pdf

Gent, F., Snow, B., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R.

Modelling 3D magnetic networks in a realistic solar atmosphere.

MNRAS, , 2019

ADS link | arxiv

González-Avilés, J. J., Guzmán, F. S., Fedun, V. G. Verth, Sharma, R., S. Shelyag, S. Regnier

Analysis of 3D plasma motions in a chromospheric jet formed due to magnetic reconnection, 2018, MNRAS, 2019


Onishchenko, O., Fedun, V., Horton, W., Pokhotelov, O., and Verth, G.

Dust devils: structural features, dynamics and climate impact

Climate MDPI, 2019



Giagkiozis, I., Fedun, V., Scullion, E., Jess, D. B., Verth, G.

Vortex Flows in the Solar Atmoshpere: Automated Identification and Statistical Analysis

The Astrophysical Journal, 869, 2018

PDF | HTML | ApJ | Movie 1 | Movie 2 | Movie 3

Cheremnykh, O. K., Fedun, V., Ladikov-Roev, Yu., Verth, G.

On the Stability of Incompressible MHD Modes in Magnetic Cylinder with Twisted Magnetic Field and Flow

The Astrophysical Journal, 866, 2018


Shelyag, S., Litvinenko, Fedun, V., Verth, G., González-Avilés, J. J. and Guzmán, F. S.

Flows and magnetic field structures in reconnection regions of simulations of the solar atmosphere: do flux pile-up models work?

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620, 2018

PDF | HTML | ADS | arxiv

Leonard, A. J., Mumford, S. J., Fedun, V., and Erdélyi, R.

Varying Driver Velocity Fields in Photospheric MHD Wave Simulations

MNRAS, 2018


Onishchenko, O. G., Horton, W., Smolyakov, A., Fedun, V., Pokhotelov, O. A., and Verth, G.

Tornado model for a magnetised plasma

Physics of Plasmas, 2018


González-Avilés, J. J., Guzmán, F. S. and Fedun, V. G. Verth, S. Shelyag, S. Regnier

I. Jet Formation and Evolution due to 3D Magnetic Reconnection

The Astrophysical Journal, 836, 2018

PDF | ADS | arxiv | HTML

Snow, B., Fedun, V., Gent, F. A., Verth, G., Erdélyi, R.

Magnetic shocks and substructures excited by torsional Alfvén wave interactions in merging expanding flux tubes

The Astrophysical Journal, 857, 2018

PDF | arxiv | HTML

Fedun, V., , Srivastava, A. K.

MHD Wave Phenomena in the Solar Interior and Atmosphere.

Preface for special issue of Advances in Space Research

Advances in Space Research, 2017


Griffiths, M.K., Fedun, V., , Erdélyi, R., Zheng, R.

Solar Atmosphere Wave Dynamics Generated by Solar Global Oscillating Eigenmodes

Advances in Space Research, 2018


Murawski, K., Kayshap, P., Srivastava, A. K., Pascoe, D. J., Jelínek, P., Kuźma, B., Fedun, V.

Magnetic swirls and associated fast magnetoacoustic kink waves in a solar chromospheric flux tube

MNRAS, 474, 77-87 2018

PDF | ADS | arxiv


Krishna Prasad, S., Jess, D., Van Doorsselaere, T., Verth, G., Morton, R., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R., Christian, D. J.,

The Frequency-dependent Damping of Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in a Sunspot Umbral Atmosphere

The Astrophysical Journal, 847, 1, 2017

PDF ApJ | arxiv | ADS | HTML

Giagkiozis, I., Fedun, V., Scullion, E., Verth, G.

Vortex Flows in the Solar Atmoshpere: Automated Identification and Statistical Analysis, 2017

PDF | ADS | arxiv | Movie 1 | Movie 2 | Movie 3

Jess, D., Van Doorsselaere, T., Verth, G., Fedun, V., Krishna Prasad, S., Erdélyi, R., Keys, P. H., Grant, S. D. T., Uitenbroek, H., Christian, Damian J.

An Inside Look at Sunspot Oscillations with Higher Azimuthal Wavenumbers

The Astrophysical Journal, 842, 1, 2017


Cheremnykh, O. K., Fedun, V., Kryshtal, A. N., and Verth, G.

Incompressible MHD modes in the thin magnetically twisted flux tube

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017


Alvarez Gonzalez, F., Badilita, A-M., Baker, A., Cho, Y-H., Dhot, N., Fedun, V., Hare, C., He, T., Hobbs, M., Javed, M., Livesey, H., Lord, C., Panoutsos, G., Permyakov, A., Pope, S., Portnell, M., Rhodes, L., Sharma, R., Taras, P., Taylor, J., Tilbrook, R., Verth, G., Wrigley, S., Yaqoob M., Cook, R., McLaughlin, J., Morton, R., Scullion, E., Shelyag, S., Hamilton, A., Zharkov, S., Jess, D., Wrigley, M.

Project SunbYte: solar astronomy on a budget

Astronomy and Geophysics, 58, 2, 2017


González-Avilés, J. J., Guzmán, F. S. and Fedun, V.

Jet Formation in Solar Atmosphere due to Magnetic Reconnection

The Astrophysical Journal, 2017


Rapoport, Yu., Cheremnykh, O., Koshovy, V., Melnik, M., Ivantyshyn, O., Nogach, R., Selivanov, Yu., Grimalsky, V., Mezentsev, V., Karataeva, L., Ivchenko, V., Milinevsky, G., Fedun, V., and Tkachenko, E.

Ground-based acoustic parametric generator impact on the atmosphere and ionosphere in an active experiment

Annales Geophysicae, 35, 53-70, 2017



Onishchenko, O., Horton, W., Pokhotelov, O. and Fedun, V.

Explosively growing vortices of unstably stratified atmosphere

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2016


Horton, W., Miura, H., Onishchenko, O., Couedel, L., Arnas, C., Escarguel, A., Benkadda, S. and Fedun, V.

Dust devil dynamics

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2016


Giagkiozis, I., Goossens, M., Verth, G., Fedun, V., Van Doorsselaere, T.

Resonant Absorption of Axisymmetric Modes in Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes

The Astrophysical Journal, 2016


Solovieva, M., Rozhnoi, A., Fedun, V., Schwingenschuh, K.

Effect of the Total Solar Eclipse of March 20, 2015, on VLF/LF Propagation

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 56, 3, 323-330, 2016


Onishchenko, O., Pokhotelov, O., Horton, W., Scullion, E., Fedun, V.

Response to 'Comment on Large-scale Alfvén vortices'

Physics of Plasmas, 23, 034704, 2016

ADS link | PDF | HTML

Williams, T., Taroyan, Yu., Fedun, V.

The Non-linear Evolution of a Twist in a Magnetic Shocktube

The Astrophysical Journal, 817, 2016

ADS link | PDF | HTML


Onishchenko, O., Pokhotelov, O., Horton, W., Scullion, E., Fedun, V.

Large-scale Alfvén vortices

Physics of Plasmas, 22, 122901


Solovieva, M., Rozhnoi, A., Fedun, V., Schwingenschuh, K. Hayakawa, M.

Ionospheric perturbations related to the earthquake in Vrancea area on November 22, 2014, as detected by electromagnetic VLF/LF frequency signals

Annales Geophysicae, 58, 5, A0552, doi:10.4401/ag-6827, 2015


Onishchenko, O., Pokhotelov, O., Horton, W., Fedun, V.

Dust devil vortex generation from convective cells

Annales Geophysicae, 33, pp.1343-1347, 2015


Kryshtal, A., Fedun, V., Gerasimenko, S., Voitsekhovska, A.

Oblique Bernstein Mode Generation Near the Upper-hybrid Frequency in Solar Pre-flare Plasmas

Solar Physics, 2015


Giagkiozis, I., Fedun, V., Verth, G., Erdélyi, R.

Axisymmetric Modes in Magnetic Flux Tubes with Internal and External Magnetic Twist

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015


Griffiths, M. K., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R.

A Fast MHD Code for Gravitationally Stratified Media using Graphical Processing Units: SMAUG

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, , 2015

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Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R., Srivastava, A. K., Pandey, J. C.


Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2015


Grant, S. D. T., Jess, D. B., Moreels, M. G., Morton, R. J., Christian, D. J., Giagkiozis, I., Verth, G., Fedun, V., Keys, P.H., Van Doorsselaere, T., 

Erdélyi, R.

Wave Damping Observed in Upwardly Propagating Sausage-mode Oscillations contained within a Magnetic Pore

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015


Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Parrot, M., Hayakawa, M., Biagi, P.-F., Schwingenschuh, K., Fedun, V.

VLF/LF signal studies of the ionospheric response to strong seismic activity in the Far Eastern region combining the DEMETER and ground-based observations

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2015


Project: 'Multiple-factor analysis and modeling of ionospheric perturbations', Royal Society, International Exchanges Scheme UK-Russia, 2013-2015

Jess, D.B., Morton, R.J., Verth, G., Fedun, V., Grant, S.D.T., Giagkiozis, I.,

Multiwavelength Studies of MHD Waves in the Solar Chromosphere. An Overview of Recent Results

Space Science Reviews, 2015


Mumford, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R.

Generation of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Low Solar Atmospheric Flux Tubes by Photospheric Motions

The Astrophysical Journal, 799, 2015

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Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Fedun, V., Hayakawa, M., Schwingenschuh, K. and Levin, B.

Correlation of very low and low frequency signal variations at mid-latitudes with magnetic activity and outer-zone particles

Annales Geophysicae, 32, 1455-1462, 2014


Project: 'Multiple-factor analysis and modeling of ionospheric perturbations', Royal Society, International Exchanges Scheme UK-Russia, 2013-2015

Rozhnoi, A., Shalimov, S., Solovieva, M., Levin, B., Shevchenko, G., Hayakawa, M., Hobara, Y., Walker, S., and Fedun, V.

Detection of tsunami-driven phase and amplitude perturbations of subionospheric VLF signals following the 2010 Chile earthquake

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 5012-5019, 2014


Project: 'Multiple-factor analysis and modeling of ionospheric perturbations', Royal Society, International Exchanges Scheme UK-Russia, 2013-2015

Gent, F., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R.

Magnetohydrostatic Equilibrium. II. Three-dimensional Multiple Open Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Stratified Solar Atmosphere

The Astrophysical Journal, 789, 2014

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Rapoport, Yu., Selivanov, Yu., Ivchenko, V., Grimalsky, V., Tkachenko, E., Rozhnoi, A., Fedun, V.

Excitation of planetary electromagnetic waves in the inhomogeneous ionosphere

Annales Geophysicae, 32, pp.449-463, 2014


Project: 'Multiple-factor analysis and modeling of ionospheric perturbations', Royal Society, International Exchanges Scheme UK-Russia, 2013-2015

Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Levin, B., Hayakawa, M., Fedun, V.

Meteorological effects in the lower ionosphere as based on VLF/LF signal observations

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2, pp.2789-2812, 2014


Project: 'Multiple-factor analysis and modeling of ionospheric perturbations', Royal Society, International Exchanges Scheme UK-Russia, 2013-2015

Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Hayakawa, M., Yamaguchi, H., Hobara, Y., Levin, B., Fedun, V.

Tsunami-driven ionospheric perturbations associated with the 2011 Tohoku earthquake'e as detected by subionospheric VLF signals

Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, , pp.1-8, 2014


Project: 'Multiple-factor analysis and modeling of ionospheric perturbations', Royal Society, International Exchanges Scheme UK-Russia, 2013-2015

Onishchenko, O., Pokhotelov, O., Horton, W., Smolyakov, A., Kaladze, T., Fedun, V.

Rolls of the internal gravity waves in the Earth's atmosphere

Annales Geophysicae, 32, pp.181-186, 2014


Rozhnoi, A., Hayakawa, M., Solovieva, M., Hobara, Y., Fedun, V.

Ionospheric effects of the Mt. Kirishima volcanic eruption as seen from subionospheric VLF observations

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 107, pp.54-59, 2014

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Project: 'Multiple-factor analysis and modeling of ionospheric perturbations', Royal Society, International Exchanges Scheme UK-Russia, 2013-2015

Onishchenko, O., Pokhotelov, O., Fedun, V.

Convection Cells of Internal Gravity Waves in the Terrestrial Atmosphere

Doklady Earth Sciences, 454, pp.37-39, 2014



Kryshtal, A., Gerasimenko, S., Voitsekhovska, A., Fedun, V.

The ion-acoustic instability in the pre-flare plasma near the loop footpoints at solar active regions

Annales Geophysicae, 31, pp.2193-2200, 2013


Gent, F., Fedun, V., Mumford, S., Erdélyi, R.

Magnetohydrostatic equilibrium - I. Three-dimensional open magnetic flux tube in the stratified solar atmosphere

MNRAS, pp.1-9, 2013

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Zharkov, S., Shelyag, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R., Thompson, M. J.

Photospheric high-frequency acoustic power excess in sunspot umbra: signature of magneto-acoustic modes

Annales Geophysicae, 31, pp.1357-1364, 2013

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Morton, R., G. Verth, G., Fedun, V., Shelyag, S., Erdélyi, R.

Evidence for the photospheric excitation of incompressible chromospheric waves

The Astrophysical Journal, 768, 2013

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Onishchenko, O., Pokhotelov, O., Fedun, V.

Convective cells of internal gravity waves in the earth's atmosphere with finite temperature gradient

Annales Geophysicae, 31, pp.459-462, 2013

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Srivastava, A. K., Erdélyi, R., Tripathi, D., Fedun, V., Joshi, N. C., Kayshap, P.

Observational Evidence of Sausage-Pinch Instability in Solar Corona by SDO/AIA

The Astrophysical Journal Letter, 765, pp.L42, 2013

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Vigeesh, G., Fedun, V., Hasan, S. S., Erdélyi, R.

Three-dimensional Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Magnetized Solar Atmosphere

The Astrophysical Journal, 755,, 2012

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Wedemeyer-Böhm, S., Scullion, E., Steiner, O., Rouppe van der Voort, L.,

de La Cruz Rodriguez, J., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R.

Magnetic tornadoes as energy channels into the solar corona

Nature, 486, pp.505-508, 2012

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McLaughlin, J.A., Verth, G., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R.

Generation of Quasi-periodic Waves and Flows in the Solar Atmosphere by Oscillatory Reconnection

The Astrophysical Journal, 749,, 2012

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Scullion, E., Erdélyi, R., Fedun, V., Doyle, J.G.

The Response of A Three-dimensional Solar Atmosphere to Wave-driven Jets

The Astrophysical Journal, 743,, 2011

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Fedun, V., Verth, G., Jess, D.B., Erdélyi, R.

Frequency Filtering of Torsional Alfvén Waves by Chromospheric Magnetic Field

The Astrophysical Journal Letter, 740,, 2011

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Fedun, V., Shelyag, S., Verth, G., Mathioudakis, M., Erdélyi, R.

MHD waves generated by high-frequency photospheric vortex motions

Annales Geophysicae, 29, pp.1029-1035, 2011

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Shelyag, S., Fedun, V., Keenan, F. P., Erdélyi, R., Mathioudakis, M.

Photospheric magnetic vortex structures

Annales Geophysicae, 29, pp.883-887, 2011

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Fedun, V., Shelyag, S., Erdélyi, R.

Numerical Modeling of Footpoint-driven Magneto-acoustic Wave Propagation in a Localized Solar Flux Tube

The Astrophysical Journal, 727,, 2011

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Pokhotelov, O., Sagdeev, R., Balikhin, M., Fedun, V., Dudnikova, G.

Nonlinear Mirror and Weibel modes: peculiarities of quasi-linear dynamics

Annales Geophysicae, 28, pp.2161-2167, 2010

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Erdélyi, R., Fedun, V.

Magneto-Acoustic Waves in Compressible Magnetically Twisted Flux Tubes

Solar Physics, 263, pp. 63-85, 2010

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Figure 1 is printed on the book cover: "Waves and Oscillations in Nature: An Introduction", 

A Satya Narayanan and Swapan K Saha, CRC Press, 2015


Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R., Shelyag, S.

Oscillatory Response of the 3D Solar Atmosphere to the Leakage of Photospheric Motion

Solar Physics, 258, pp. 219-241, 2009

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Shelyag, S., Zharkov, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R., Thompson, M.

Acoustic wave propagation in the solar sub-photosphere with localised magnetic field concentration: effect of magnetic tension

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 501, pp.735-743, 2009

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Fedun, V., Ruderman, M. S., Erdélyi, R.

Generation of short-lived large-amplitude magnetohydrodynamic pulses by dispersive focusing

Physics Letters A, 372, pp. 6107-6110, 2008

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Shelyag, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R.

Magnetohydrodynamic code for gravitationally-stratified media

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 486, pp.655-662, 2008

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Pokhotelov, O., Sagdeev, R., Balikhin, M., Onishchenko, O. G., Fedun, V.

Nonlinear mirror waves in non-Maxwellian space plasmas

Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, A04225, 2008

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Erdélyi, R.,Fedun, V.

Are There Alfvén Waves in the Solar Atmosphere?

Science, 318, pp. 1572-1574, 2007

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Erdélyi, R.,Fedun, V.

Linear MHD Sausage Waves in Compressible Magnetically Twisted Flux Tubes

Solar Physics, 246, pp.101-118, 2007

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Erdélyi, R.,Fedun, V.

Sausage MHD Waves in Incompressible Flux Tubes with Twisted Magnetic Fields

Solar Physics, 238, pp.41-59, 2006

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Erdélyi, R.,Fedun, V.

Solitary wave propagation in solar flux tubes

Physics of Plasmas, 13, pp. 032902-032902-9, 2006

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Yukhimuk, A., Fedun, V., Voitsekhovska, A., Cheremnykh, O.

The transformation of long scale Alfvén waves in space dusty plasma

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, Suppl, 5, pp. 192-195, 2005, (in Russian)

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Fedun, V., Yukhimuk, A., Voitsekhovskaya, A.

The transformation of MHD Alfvén waves in space plasma

Journal of Plasma Physics, 70, pp.699-707, 2004

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Yukhymuk, A., Fedun, V., Voitsekhovska, A., Cheremnykh, O.

The generation of kinetic Alfvén waves in dust plasma

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, 20, pp. 517-524, 2004

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Voitsekhovskaia, A., Fedun, V., Cheremnyh, O., Yukhimuk, A.

Nonlinear parametric interaction of MHD waves in space plasma

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, 20, pp. 219-225, 2004, (in Russian)

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Voitsekhovskaya, A., Fedun, V., Cheremnykh, O., Yukhimuk, A.

Transformation of magnetoacoustic waves in space plasma

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, 19, pp.328-333, 2003, (in Russian)

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Yukhimuk, A., Fedun, V., Voitsekhovskaya, A., Cheremnych, O.

Transformation of the MHD Alfvén waves in space plasma

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, 18, pp.441-449, 2002, (in Russian)

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Fedun, V., Yukhimuk, A., Voitsekhovskaya, A., Cheremnykh, O.

About generation of high-frequency electron acoustic waves in the Earth's magnetosphere

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, 18, pp.273-281, 2002, (in Russian)

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Fedun, V., Yukhimuk, A., Voitenko, Yu., Voitsekhovskaya, A., Cheremnych, O.

Parametric excitation of lower hybrid waves in the magnetospheric plasma

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, 17, pp.437-445, 2001, (in Russian)

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Yukhimuk, A., Fedun, V., Sirenko, E., Voitenko, Yu., Yukhimuk, V.

Parametric interaction of whistler waves and kinetic Alfvén waves in the space plasmas

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, Suppl, pp.483 - 489, 2000

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Yukhimuk, A., Fedun, V., Sirenko, E., Voitenko, Yu., Voytsekhovskaya, A.

Nonlinear interaction of MHD waves and solar corona heating

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, Suppl, pp.477-480, 2000

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Fedun, V., Fal'ko, O., Yukhimuk, A., Yukhimuk, V.

Generation of kinetic Alfvén waves by lower hybrid pump waves

Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, 15, pp. 103-109, 1999, (in Russian)

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Yukhimuk, V., Voitenko, Yu., Fedun, V., Yukhimuk, A.

Generation of kinetic Alfvén waves by upper-hybrid pump waves

Journal of Plasma Physics, 60, pp.485 - 495, 1998

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Yukhimuk, A., Fedun, V., Yukhimuk, V., Fal'ko, O., Sirenko, E.

Nonlinear Mechanism of the Generation of Lower Hybrid Waves in Cosmic Plasmas

Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya, 4, pp.41 - 45, 1998, (in Russian)

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Yukhimuk, A., Fedun, V., Yukhimuk, V., Ivchenko, V.

Parametric excitation of upper hybrid and kinetic Alfvén waves in a magnetized plasma

Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya, 4, pp.108 - 112, 1998, (in Russian)

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Yukhimuk, A., Fedun, V., Yukhimuk, V., Fal'ko, O.

Generation of electromagnetic radiation by an upper hybrid pumping wave in a magnetized plasma

Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya, 4, pp.102 - 107, 1998, (in Russian)

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Yukhimuk, A., Yukhimuk, V., Fedun, V.

Non-linear mechanism of generation and formation of the fine structure of the space electromagnetic radiation.

Informational Bulletin of the Ukrainian Astronomical Association, N12, pp.42 - 43, 1998, (in Ukrainian)

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Rapoport Yu., Sirenko O., Fedun V.

Interaction of magnetosonic solitons with ion beam in magnetized plasma,

Ukrainian Journal of Physics, vol.43, N2, pp. 169 - 176, 1998 (in Ukranian)

Refereed proceedings


Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Schwingenschuh, K., Fedun, V.,

Solar X-Ray Flares Influence on VLF/LF Signals in Different Middle-Latitudes Paths

Proceedings of the 10th Intl Conf. “Problems of Geocosmos”, St. Petersburg, Russia, Oct 6-10, 2014,

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Project: 'Multiple-factor analysis and modeling of ionospheric perturbations', Royal Society, International Exchanges Scheme UK-Russia, 2013-2015


Shelyag, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R., Keenan, F.P., Mathioudakis, M.

Vortices in the solar photosphere

Accepted for publication in the proceedings of 2nd ATST-EAST workshop, Washington DC, US, the Conference Series of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 749,, 2012

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Pokhotelov, O., Sagdeev, R., Balikhin, M., Fedun, V., Dudnikova, G.

Nonlinear Dynamics of Mirror Instability Revisited

New Frontiers In Advanced Plasma Physics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1306, pp. 136-144, 2010

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Shelyag, S., Zharkov, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R., Thompson, M.

Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Wave Propagation in the Solar Sub-Photosphere with Localized Magnetic Field Concentration

Solar-Stellar Dynamos as Revealed by Helio- and Asteroseismology: GONG 2008/SOHO 21 ASP Conference Series, Vol. 416, proceedings of a conference held 11-15 August 2008 at the High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 416, pp. 167-170, 2009

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Jaimes, C., Fedun, V.

Qualitative analysis of wave propagation in a 3-D magnetic flux tube

Waves & Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magneto-Seismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 247, pp. 167-170, 2008

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Pokhotelov, O., Balikhin, M., Sagdeev, R., Onishchenko, O. G., Fedun, V.

Nonlinear Dynamics of Mirror Waves in Non-Maxwellian Plasmas

New Aspects Of Plasma Physics. Proceedings of the 2007 ICTP Summer College on Plasma Physics. Held 30 July-24 August 2007 in Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. Edited by Padma K Shukla (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany), Lennart Stenflo & Bengt Eliasson (Umeå University, Sweden). Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. , pp. 195-220, 2008

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Erdélyi, R., Fedun, V., Malins, Ch., Pintér, B.

Trapped Eigenoscillations in the Lower Solar Atmosphere: Is there a Resonant Coupling?

The Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas ASP Conference Series, Proceedings of the conference held 9-13 October, 2006 at the University of Coimbra in Coimbra, Portugal. Edited by P. Heinzel, I. Dorotovič ADS link | PDF | HTML


Erdélyi, R., Fedun, V.

MHD waves in magnetically twisted solar atmospheric flux tubes

Solar Activity and its Magnetic Origin, Proceedings of the 233rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Cairo, Egypt, March 31 - April 4, 2006, Edited by Volker Bothmer; Ahmed Abdel Hady. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , pp.134-135, 2006

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Erdélyi, R., Fedun, V.

Solitary Wave Propagation from the Photosphere into the Solar Corona

Solar Activity and its Magnetic Origin, Proceedings of 'SOHO 13 - Waves, Oscillations and Small-Scale Transient Events in the Solar Atmosphere: A Joint View from SOHO and TRACE'. 29 September - 3 October 2003, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain (ESA SP-547, January 2004). Compiled by: H. Lacoste , pp.63-67, 2004

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Fedun, V., Yukhimuk, A.,Voitsekhovskaja, A.,

Transformation of the Alfvén Waves in the Low Beta Plasma

In: Contributions to NATO Advanced Research Workshop Turbulence, Waves, and Instabilities in the Solar Plasma; Hungary, 16-20 September 2002; Publications of the Astronomy Department of the Eötvös University (PADEU), Edited by E. Forgács-Dajka, K. Petrovay and R. Erdélyi, 13, pp. 145-150, 2003

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Yukhimuk, A., Fedun, V., Sirenko, O., Voitenko, Yu.,

Excitation of fast and slow magnetosonic waves by kinetic Alfven waves

Waves in Dusty, Solar, and Space Pplasmas. AIP Conference Proceedings, 537, pp. 311-316, 2000

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Grimalsky, V., Fedun, V., Khotyaintsev, Yu., Rapoport Yu.,

Nonlinear gravity and plasma waves under resonance with higher harmonics

Proc. 18th Symposium on plasma physics and Technology, Prague, June17-20, pp. 4-7, 1997

Fedun, V., Sirenko, O., Rapoport Yu.,

Interaction of magnetosonic solitons with particles in magnetized plasma

Proc. Int. Symposium "Plasma 97", "Research and application of plasmas", Opole, June 10-12, 1, pp. 353-357, 1997

Conference proceedings


XI International Conference Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics Earthquake Precursors, September 20-25, 2020, Paratunka, Kamchatka, Russia.

2.46 Study of the lower ionosphere effects caused by Space weather events and phenomena, Solovieva M., Rozhnoi A., Kopylova G., Chebrov D., Korkina G., Budilova E., Fedun V., Boudjada M., Schwingenschuh K., Eichelberger H.

3.21 Very low and low frequency signals method to study the lower ionosphere response to the lithosphere and atmosphere events , Rozhnoi A., Solovieva M., Kopylova G., Chebrov D., Korkina G., Budilova E., Levin B., Shevchenko G., Loskutov А., Hayakawa M., Fedun V.

PDF, see p. 170 and 196

3rd Symposium on Space Educational Activities, September 16-18, 2019, Leicester, United Kingdom. Spicing up your space education with c an s ats, rockets and hackathons the SUN Recipe Book, Lucy Berthoud, Andrew Glester, Sufyaan Akram, Osian Rees, Iuliu-Cezar Ardelean, Katharine Smith, Nigel Bannister, Viktor Fedun, Gary Verth, Mark Jones, Jennifer Kingston, Sarah Matthews, Alex Young, Diana Mastracci, PDF | PDF

The Sheffield Space Initiative - Introduction, Motivation, and Impact Assessment, Roisin Clear, Yun-Hang Cho, Iakov Bobrov and Viktor Fedun, PDF | PDF

UKSP Nuggets


Silva, SSA., Verth, G., Fedun, V.,  Rempel, E., Shelyag, S. and Schiavo, L.

119. Introducing a practical definition for a vortex in the magnetic field

January 25, 2022



Skirvin, S., Fedun V. and Verth, G.

117. A numerical tool for obtaining wave eigenvalues in non-uniform solar waveguides

November 12, 2021



Fedun, V., Verth, G., González-Avilés, J. J., Guzmán, F. S., Shelyag, S. and Regnier, S.

97. Jet formation and evolution due to 3D magnetic reconnection

December 16, 2018



Giagkiozis, I., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R. and Verth, G.

50. 3D Visualisation of the Eigenmodes of a Straight Magnetic Flux Tube

August 26, 2014



Srivastava, A. K., Erdélyi, R., Tripathi, D., Fedun, V., Joshi, N. C., Kayshap, P.

34. Discovery of the Sausage-Pinch Instability in Solar Corona

April 24, 2013



Scullion, E., Erdélyi, R., Fedun, V., Doyle, J.G.

18. Mega-tsunamis above the surface of the Sun

December 7, 2011
